jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

El inicio de las guerras culturales

Este artículo sobre Julia Kristeva, que podría decirse que hace leña del árbol caído, tiene como mérito mostrar cómo se inició la corriente de pensamiento que comenzó con el posmodernismo y que por ahora nos ha llevado a las guerras culturales en Internet. Situémonos en la Francia post-Mayo del 68:

In consequence, French intellectual life was wholly transformed. The Sartrean model of the engaged intellectual was upheld, but its content was totally reconfigured. Insight into the debilities of political vanguardism impelled French writers and thinkers to reevaluate the Dreyfusard legacy of the universal intellectual: the intellectual who shames the holders of power by flaunting timeless moral truth…. The Maoists started out as political dogmatists and true believers. But they soon found it impossible to reconcile their pro-Chinese ideological blinders with the emancipatory spirit of May. Once they ceased deluding themselves with revolutionary slogans, they began to understand politics in an entirely new light. The idea of cultural revolution was thereby wholly transformed. It ceased to be an exclusively Chinese point of reference. Instead it came to stand for an entirely new approach to thinking about politics: an approach that abandoned the goal of seizing political power and instead sought to initiate a democratic revolution in mores, habitudes, sexuality, gender roles, and human sociability in general.